Tooth Extractions Shouldn’t Scare You Because They Are Beneficial
Everyone dislikes tooth extractions, thinking it will heap upon them the need to seek replacement solutions to cover the open gap in their mouths. If the family dentist near me recommended tooth extractions to you to remove an infected or decayed tooth, rest assured the dentist has considered its benefits to your oral health before suggesting the removal. Tooth removal becomes necessary during adulthood for various reasons.
Problems like tooth decay, gum disease, injuries, and overcrowded teeth all necessitate tooth removal. If you are undergoing orthodontic treatments to straighten your teeth, your dentist may recommend same-day tooth extractions to prepare for the treatment. In addition, if your wisdom teeth are bothering you, dentists recommend extractions to prevent unnecessary complications from developing in your mouth.
If you receive a recommendation for tooth extractions near me, don’t be scared because the tooth removal procedure is performed by dentists in an outpatient setting, and the removal is beneficial to preserve and improve your dental health.
What Are the Most Common Reasons for Recommending Tooth Removal?
As mentioned earlier, tooth removal is often recommended if you need dental braces. In such cases, you may need to have a couple of teeth removed to make space for your remaining teeth to move into their correct positions. Tooth removal is also suggested if you are affected by tooth decay or gum disease, and the dentist isn’t in a position to preserve your teeth.
Sometimes intensive fractures to the teeth also make tooth extractions essential. In addition, patients undergoing chemotherapy or organ transplants may require their compromised teeth removed.
Your wisdom teeth, the last to emerge between 17 to 25, are the first recommended extractions because they lack the space in your jaw to appear correctly. In many cases, they remain impacted below the online few become infected.
As can be seen, you only receive recommendations for tooth extractions from the dentist in Chaska if it is beneficial for your dental and overall health.
The Tooth Removal Procedure
The tooth removal procedure is relatively comfortable because you receive adequate anesthesia to ensure you don’t experience any pain during the process. If you must have an impacted tooth removed, dentists provide antianxiety medications or intravenous anesthesia.
Before scheduling your procedure for tooth extractions in Chaska, the dentist x-rays your tooth to determine its precise position besides inquiring about your entire medical history and the medications you take, including prescription, over-the-counter drugs, herbal supplements, et cetera. In addition, the dentist will discuss the tooth extraction procedure and provide information about the type of anesthesia you will receive.
Tooth extractions are divided into two categories simple and surgical.
Simple extractions are performed on visible teeth and merely require local anesthesia before the removal. Dentists ensure you don’t experience the sensation of the anesthesia by applying a topical anesthetic around the tooth targeted for extraction. The local anesthesia is injected into your gums around the affected tooth after the area is numb from the topical anesthetic.
After you are entirely numb, the dentist uses instruments like elevators and forceps to loosen and remove the visible tooth.
If you must have an impacted tooth removed, you require a surgical extraction performed by an oral surgeon. Besides local anesthesia in your mouth for pain management, you will also receive dental sedation to manage anxiety. An impacted tooth below the gum line requires the oral surgeon to cut open your gums and remove any bone surrounding the impacted tooth before cutting the tooth in pieces for extraction. The process may sound scary but is relatively standard and performed regularly by oral surgeons.
Recovery after Tooth Removal
If you have a simple extraction, you are allowed to go home immediately after the procedure. However, if you have undergone a surgical extraction, you remain at the dental facility until you recover entirely from the anesthetics. Before leaving the dental facility, the dentist provides instructions on how to manage your recovery, providing some essential tips as mentioned below:
- The dentist places gauze over the extraction site, asking you to bite down on it to help in blood clot formation. Please do not remove the gauze pad until it is soaked with blood.
- You will experience discomfort as the anesthesia begins to wear off. The dentist prescribes or recommends over-the-counter drugs to overcome the pain. Take the medications as instructed by the dentist.
- Do not jump into your regular activities immediately after tooth extraction for fear of dislodging the blood clot. Instead, get some rest for at least 24 hours before involving yourself in physical activities.
- Tooth extractions also compel you to have soft and bland foods as you recover. Therefore stay away from complex and crunchy foods to ensure your recovery proceeds smoothly.
- Do not use a straw for drinking liquids, smoke, or spit vigorously for a few days until you recover from tooth removal.
If you experience severe discomfort even after several days and the pain doesn’t subside, contact the Chaska dentist for advice on managing the issue. However, if recommended tooth extractions for any reason, convince yourself the removal is for the benefit of your dental health.