Pain After Tooth Extraction: How Long Does it Last?

Pain After Tooth Extraction: How Long Does it Last?

July 1, 2022

People quiver when they hear about tooth extractions. This is mainly because of the pain they imagine will be there after the procedure. Over the years, dental specialists have been using anesthesia to manage the pain during the extraction. However, it is difficult to determine the pain level one will experience afterward. This is because the level and duration of the pain vary from one individual to another.

The good news is that the pain can be managed, and it subsides after a few days. If you are unsure about whether you should get that tooth extracted, read this article to understand the causes of pain after tooth extraction. We have also discussed situations that may warrant a visit back to the dentist if the pain persists. Visit us at Town Dental – Chaska for consultation on tooth extraction and other dental procedures.

Reasons Why One May Experience Pain After Extraction

Tooth extractions near you are common, especially when treatment options such as root canal or dental fillings can’t solve the dental issue. After the procedure, one should expect some discomfort, swelling, sensitivity, or pain. The pain experienced is usually due to the underlying gum inflammation. What is considered “normal” pain is likely to last for about three days post-extraction. If you are more of the sensitive type, expect a lingering tenderness on the extraction site for longer.

However, other reasons could cause pain after tooth extraction. They include:

  • Sinus perforation. Sinuses are located on the upper molars. On some occasions, they may be damaged during tooth extraction. The sinus is separated from the teeth by a very thin lining. In some cases, a lengthy procedure may result in a ruptured sinus.

  • A dry socket. It is not an uncommon complication after tooth extraction. A blood clot will develop after the extraction to fill up the gap. After a few weeks, the blood clot solidifies and becomes part of the gum and jaw. However, the clot can dislodge, expose the bone and cause pain. Our dentist near you will advise you to keep off carbonated drinks, using straws or blowing air by pursing your lips. They can interfere with the blood clot resulting in a dry socket.

  • A dying bone, also known as osteonecrosis, is when a part of your bone dies. The bone is usually exposed, and the gums surrounding it do not heal. It is an uncommon complication but predominantly happens to cancer patients. Talk to your dentist if the jaws and gums haven’t healed after six weeks.

When To Seek Immediate Care

After tooth extraction, one can easily manage pain by taking prescribed painkillers. While pain is expected after the treatment, some instances will prompt an emergency dental care visit. Some of them include:

  • Jaw pain. After extraction, having an aching jaw for a day or two should be a cause of concern even after a complicated procedure. Have a check-in with your dentist for treatment.

  • Throbbing or radiating pain that painkillers cannot manage. The pain could result from a dry socket that exposes the nerves.

  • If you have redness, drainage, or excessive swelling at the extracted site. This could be a sign of an infection that requires immediate treatment.

  • You begin experiencing coughs, nausea, chest pains, or breathing difficulties.

Reducing Pain After Tooth Extraction

How do you manage the pain? The best way to reduce pain after a tooth extraction is to follow the dentist’s instructions. Not following the instructions may result in more pain or lead to dry sockets. The following are after-care tips to help you manage the pain.

  • Immediately after the procedure, ensure a clean gauze is placed on the extraction site. This will allow a blood clot to form in the gap. Change the gauze regularly.

  • Take the pain medications as prescribed by your dentist after tooth extraction in Chaska.

  • Very gently rinse and swirl your mouth using warm salty water after 24 hours.

  • Press an ice pack regularly on the affected side for 10 minutes before taking a break of about 10 to 15 minutes. Avoid leaving the pack for too long as it may result in tissue damage.

  • Brush and floss your teeth gently to prevent infections. Take extra caution when nearing the extraction site.

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