Dental Bridges: What You Need to Know About Dental Bridges Before Getting Them
Missing teeth are a dental challenge as not only does it affect your dental appearance, but it also causes bone atrophy or loss of bone density. When the permanent teeth are removed, they leave gaps in between. If the teeth are not replaced, the body will begin to reabsorb the alveolar bone.
According to reports, people with missing teeth can lose about 12 percent of the supporting bone in the first year. Bone loss causes the dental structure and the surrounding teeth to weaken as the teeth shift to occupy the available spaces. That is why it is critical to replace your teeth, and dental bridges near you are a great option.
What Are Dental Bridges?
Dental bridges cover or bridge the gaps and restore the appearance of the teeth. These bridges come in different types like:
- Traditional bridges
Traditional bridges use two dental crowns that are fixed on the adjacent teeth. These crowns are made of porcelain, ceramics, or porcelain-fused-to-metals.
- Cantilever bridges
These bridges are a modification of the traditional ones in that they are anchored on one tooth. Our dentist in Chaska uses these bridges on the front teeth because they can get a bit uneven.
- Maryland bridges
The bridges are also similar to the traditional ones, only that they use a framework of porcelain or metals instead of crowns. They are also more ideal for the front teeth.
All these bridges are permanent, but you can get removable ones. Fixed and removable dental bridges replace missing teeth, only that the removable bridges need adjustments often.
Bridges Vs. Implants: Which One Is Most Suitable?
Both bridges and implants replace the teeth. However, they differ in design and function. Bridges are a non-invasive dental treatment, but the teeth need reshaping before they are fixed, which is an irreversible procedure.
The dental implants near me, on the other hand, are metal posts surgically fixed on the jaw. They last longer than the bridges and are also stronger. However, for a dentist near you to fix the implants, you need to have sufficient bone density. If you lack the required bone support, the dentist will recommend other procedures like a bone graft.
How Are the Bridges Fixed?
Dental bridges in Chaska need at least two dental visits to be fixed.
- First dental visit
Our dentist will begin the bridges treatment plan by a comprehensive assessment to check the condition of the jaw bone. The dentist will also take you through the different bridges and choose one that is most suitable.
The teeth need reshaping to make room for the bridges, depending on their thickness. The process can cause sensitivity and discomfort, but the dentist will use local anesthesia to numb the gums. A mold of the reshaped teeth is taken to create the permanent bridges. Since it can take a few weeks for the bridges to be made, the dentist will cover the teeth with temporary caps to shield them from sensitivity.
- Second dental visit
This second dental visit is for fixing the permanent bridges. The dentist will remove the temporary caps, clean the teeth, and use a special cement to hold the teeth in place.
What Are the Pros and Cons of Getting Bridges?
Dental bridges have many advantages compared to implants and dentures. Bridges cost less than teeth implants as they are not invasive. They are also faster to fix compared to implants.
Furthermore, you do not require a bone graft to generate new bone. Bone grafting is also a surgical procedure, similar to implants. The procedure uses bone granules to increase bone density.
However, as effective as the bridges might be, they do not stop bone loss. The bridges sit over the gum, and therefore the jaw will still be reabsorbed by the body. Also, the bridges are not as long-lasting as the implants. They can last for about 15 years, after that you will need to replace them.
Schedule an Appointment
Visit Chaska Town Dental for more information about dental bridges, how they are fixed, and what you can expect.